20 October, 2010

Seeked advice on blogging

I was talking to my ex-colleague the other day on how do I start blogging. It was so long since I've last met her and it was great and enjoyable just talking to her. Then I've come to realize that, even now when we don't even meet, we can have long chats on just a simple topic.

First, she taught me how to add widget on my blog, then recomended me on some book review sites. I dont mind reading, but to review it on a commercial site, reminds me of writing some essays during exams. Loads of questions and doubts will start flying in my mind, all the "what-if" questions made me think twice whether to do a review or not? Anyway, I might go into reviewing but I am very sure that now is not the right time for me. I'm still struggling on how to come up with a topic to write.

Anyway, back to my ex-colleague. She's now a full time mummy taking care of her young little prince. The last time i met her was when her son turned one month old, and now, he's already 19 months going on 20 months. Time really flies when we least noticed it. Things are changing so fast that if we stop for a while, we will be left behind. Struggling to catch up the pace is a not-so-easy thing to do.

I would like to say a word of thanks to my ex-colleague for everything that she's taught me. More posts to come in the future...

1 comment:

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Oh sob sob, thank you for thanking me! :P

Btw, what I do for book review is just write my review, post it up on my blog, copy the same thing and post it up in one of the commercial website. I'm not sure whether ppl actually look at it but for me, I do an honest job lah.. I mean, already get free books to review, do properly lor..

Again, if you don't mind reading softcopy of books, let me know. I recommend you another website. No review is necessary, you can even reject if you don't want to review it :)