10 January, 2011

Happy New Year, 2011

Hey there,

I know its being late in wishing everyone a very happy new year, but there's a reason behind this late wish. Even before the new year kicked off, my work was pouring in like a burst pipe, flowing in like no one's business. However, I have to be happy with this sign coz some people just don't have a job (*ehem* I'm a full time mummy: am I right?)

Things at work are settling in, it will be a really busy year for me but I will somehow try to squeeze some time to blog on interesting stuff.

As for the new year, I was celebrating it with my man and his siblings. We went over to The Hill at Damansara Heights for a drink and some snacks and we managed to count down with the crowd at 12 midnight. It was quite a great sight to see so many people chatting happily and having the time of their lives till the clock striked 12.

Now, it is already middle of January, my calendar for this year will be with a few vacations spreaded throughout the year. Just hope everything's smooth sailing and no hiccups (e.g. unapproved leave) along the way...

Till my next post, have a blessed and great New Year...

Signing Off, ciaoz~

1 comment:

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Yes you're right! Be thankful you got a job and money coming in at the end of every month! :D